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ESPRIT brand in OAM

August is a sign of surprise with us! On Tuesday, August 11, we will officially open the world's popular brand Esprit. And for all lovers of timeless quality fashion from the Esprit brand, we have prepared a welcome drink and a free gift to buy.

The Esprit brand has been a well-known American brand for five decades, which places great emphasis on the use of natural and quality materials and, of course, on the style, uniqueness and timelessness of its collections. The Esprit brand collections are intended for women, men and also children, especially for urban casual clothing, leisure clothing for nature or the office. At the same time, the Esprit store in Ostrava will also offer a wide range of accessories.

„Extending OAM with new brands is one of our top priorities. That's why we are pleased to be able to welcome such a well-known and popular brand as Esprit,” says OAM's marketing manager, adding: „Visitors can look forward to the festive welcome in style. There will be balloon decorations, our smiling hostesses, a non-alcoholic welcome drink and a free gift for purchases over CZK 1,000.”

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