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We are already opening on April 27th

Dear Outlet Girls and Dear Outlet Boys, we are happy to announce that on Monday 27 April we will unlock the gate to the Ostrava outlet world again! From Monday, you can look forward to dozens of brands of world fashion, cosmetics, jewelry, home accessories and quality Belgian chocolate and sweets.

Come and see what's new here! And get new energy in the form of inspiration, relaxation or new fashion items in your wardrobe with up to 80% discount.

Together we have to ensure important preventive measures, such as adherence to the upper respiratory protective equipment, a minimum separation of 2 meters, and increased hygiene in all shops. We are ready to do it and with your help we will manage everything and step together into the world of outlet shopping!

We will gradually open our outlet center in 2 waves. In the first wave on April 27, we will open all OAM outlets except gastronomy outlets. In the second wave from 11 May, the entire OAM will be opened, including gastronomic establishments with sales through the dispensing window and in the outdoor (summer) gardens.

You can find the schedule of opening all stores including opening hours and preventive measures not only in our news, but also on social networks FB Outlet Arena Moravia and IG Outlet Arena Moravia.

We are back and look forward to seeing you # SPOLU TO ZVLÁDNEME

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